Monday, April 13, 2009

Mom's Recipe: Pizza Bun halves

we went Italian last week for snacks. our usual snacks include bread, noodles, and anything that is easy to prepare. and for last week, we had pizza! home made pizza that includes easy to find ingredients and using a small oven.

this is a child-friendly dish so even kids can help.

6 medium-sized hamburger buns, sliced in halves
1 pack of tomato sauce
6 hotdogs, sliced diagonally
1/3 cup sweet ham, cut into little squares
1/3 cup of minced onions
1/3 cup of minced green bell pepper
grated cheese
  1. spread tomato sauce on the buns that serves as your pizza dough.
  2. lay hotdogs, sweet ham, onions, bell pepper and top with cheese.
  3. put it in the oven, heat for 5-10 minutes, 375 degrees. don't burn the bread.
  4. makes 12 servings.

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